Video: “IV. Roderick’s Guitar” by Morgan Woolsey, performed by the Contemporary Choral Collective of Los Angeles

The Fall of the House of Usher

Max MSP/Jitter Patch Design

HEX performed this newly composed, fully choral film score to the classic film “The Fall of the House of Usher” live-to-film with a Max MSP/Jitter patch to realize the punches and streamers for the confuctor while also projecting the film itself to the audience. 

The patch integrated materials provided by See-a-Dot Publishing (video/click track/rehearsal marks) in the patch to provide the most seamless UI corresponding to the score.

Performed by HEX vocal ensemble, from the score pubished by See-a-dot Publishing, written by the members of the Contemporary Choral Collective of Los Angeles (see here).

Code available at my GitHub account: