Lindo niño


SATB + Piano 3’30”
*Recording may vary from the most up-to-date score shown below.

Note: This is a digital score (PDF).
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Los Pibes Trujillo recorded their "Villancicos Navideños" album in 1970, bringing popular Ecuadorian villancicos to international acclaim. "Lindo niño," among Salvador Bustamante Celi's (1876-1935) popular villancicos, had a bright waltz feel on the album, contrasting the tragic story of child abuse underpinning the recording process. Similarly tragic, Celi, in 1910, had to escape Lima due to war with Perú at the border, and traveled to Guayaquil. Although economic and political instability tends to correlate with weakened historical and cultural documentation, Ecuador and some of it's neighboring countries have maintained a unique Catholic novena (nine day religious celebration) from December 16-24 named the "Novena del Niño" or "Novena de Aguinaldos" that includes daily villancico singing and prayer.

Upon listening to Pamela Cortés's recorded version, the joyous hope from anticipating the arrival of the child feels poignant against the melancholic musical background. This arrangement builds on Cortés, with the primary melody often falling out of alignment with the instrumentation, forming hemiolas, before the rhythmic motive returns to alignment.


SATB, Piano


Lindo niño tus ojuelos son dos astros de los cielos.
Lindo niño tus bracitos son la red de puro y amor.
Lindo niño tu boquita, más graciosa que la rosa,
y tus labios encendidos, más purpúreos que el clavel.
Lindo niño me arrebatas, lindo niño yo te adoro.
Lindo niño mi tesoro para siempre tú serás.
Mil pintadas avecillas, te alaban sin cesar,
con sus dulces melodías y sus cantos sin igual.
De María virgen pura, ha nacido el buen Jesus.
¡Gloria a Dios en las alturas y a la gente paz y bien!
*Adorar al niño, corramos pastores.
*Adorar al niño, llevamoslé flores.


Beautiful child, your eyes are two stars in the heavens.
Beautiful child, your arms embrace with purity and love.
Beautiful child, your little mouth is more graceful than the rose,
and your burning lips, more purple than the carnation.
Beautiful child, you captivate me. Beautiful child, I adore you.
Beautiful child, you will always be my treasure.
A thousand vibrant birds praise you, untiring,
with sweet melodies and special songs.
From the virgin Mary, Jesus is born.
Glory to God in the highest, and to all: peace and goodwill!
*To adore the child, we must run, shephards.
*To adore the child, we bring flowers.


*These lyrics are excerpted from the Venezuelan villancico, "Adorar al niño."

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